What useful properties are found in horseradish leaves !

What useful properties are found in horseradish leaves !

Horseradish belongs to garden crops, it grows everywhere except in the Arctic regions. Despite the fact that it was first added to food by the Greeks and Romans, it is considered an exclusively Russian seasoning. It was the Slavs who created many recipes based on it and discovered many useful properties.
Composition and caloric content
Horseradish is a plant that is unpretentious in cultivation. In one place, it can grow for a long time, has a developed root system. In its natural habitat, it grows along riverbanks and in places with high humidity. Horseradish is considered a powerful phytoncide-a natural antibiotic. The leaves also contain a large amount of essential oils, which give them a special aroma and taste.
The plant is rich in vitamins (retinol, nicotinic acid, C and E, as well as a number of vitamins B), micro-and macronutrients (potassium, iron, sulfur, zinc, etc.).
Energy value: about 60 kcal per 100 g, which makes horseradish a dietary product.
Useful properties of horseradish
If we talk about the beneficial properties, then first of all it should be noted the ability to stimulate the body's immunity to various types of infections.
In fact, the plant has significant medicinal properties that are recognized by official medicine. From it, you can prepare infusions, decoctions and other remedies that will help with bronchial pathologies, cure cystitis, will be useful for asthma, hepatitis, infectious diseases, beriberi, etc.
The use and application of horseradish leaves
The leaves of the plant are quite large, elliptical in shape, strong. Since horseradish belongs to the Cabbage family, they vaguely resemble a cabbage leaf. Horseradish leaves have been used in folk medicine since ancient times. And in England, the culture was originally grown exclusively for medicinal purposes.
The leaves contain a lot of vitamins, phytoncides, dietary fiber and useful macro-and microelements. Unlike other plants, they are rich in protein and carbohydrates.
The use of horseradish leaves:
Remove slags and toxins from the body by stimulating the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
They contain a lot of vitamin C (more than in lemon, and they can also compete with black currant).
They are a natural antibiotic that inhibits pathogenic microbes and viruses.
They help to remove age spots from the skin.
Horseradish in cosmetology
It is used not only for the treatment of diseases, but also for cosmetic purposes, in particular for the manufacture of masks for hair and face.
For the face
Horseradish, as a component of face masks, restores the water balance in the dermis, makes the skin elastic, beautiful and elastic. It is best to use these products for aging skin and as a remedy for fatigue.
Mask based on egg yolks. For cooking, you need to take the yolk, cream and grated horseradish in the same amount. Mix all the ingredients (you can use a blender), after which the product is ready for application. This mask should be left to act on the face for at least 15 minutes, then rinse and apply a moisturizer.
Horseradish and sour milk. For cooking, you will need homemade sour milk, the same amount of grated horseradish, starch must be added to the mixture so that it is not too liquid. The mask will refresh the skin, add blush and make it more elastic. Making such a mask is often not recommended. It is enough 1-2 times a week.
Another great anti-aging remedy is a mask made from horseradish and the most common oat flakes. It is suitable for all skin types. However, if the skin is very oily, then you need to add the egg white, otherwise-the yolk. Horseradish and flakes should be mixed in equal proportions, add the yolk or white, apply to the face and let it work for at least 15 minutes. Then rinse with cool water and apply the appropriate cream.